If there’s a big, fat lie in waffledom, it’s that good waffles can be made from pancake batter. Sure, pancakes and waffles both contain eggs, flour and leavening, and they’re both served for breakfast. But differences abound.
8 Things to Do with Leftover Guacamole
You really don’t need an excuse to make guacamole. It doesn’t matter if it’s National Guacamole Day — or if you’re watching Sunday football with friends and family. Guac is guac. I can’t speak for you, but rarely do I find myself with any leftover. But just in case you do, here are eight ways to use it up.
First you need my guacamole recipe.
How to Slice a Mango
Learning how to safely slice a mango is no simple task.
Riddle me this foodists, which is easier to handle: the sub-Asian kin of the cashew known as the mango? Or an over-caffeinated weasel with rabies?
Well, when compared stitch to stitch, the mango is by far the more vicious adversary. For a long time I wouldn’t even eat mangoes because I thought they were just too much of a pain to deal with.
Here’s how to slice one up safely (or check out the video for more info):
How to Build a Turkey Derrick
If you’ve never fried a Thanksgiving turkey, make this the year. It’s delicious and done in an hour (unless you’re cooking Turkzilla). Just make sure you assemble and use my handy and safe turkey derrick!
A few notes on safety:
Large-vessel frying is serious business. It matters a lot where you stage this operation — be sure you are at least 10 feet (yes, feet) away from any structure like your house, garden shed, wooden fence, deck, carport or garage.
Also essential: A level surface. Do not try this on a wooden deck, or a paved or concrete driveway — these will show oil splatters, plus, kids like to play in these spaces, and you don’t want anyone near your base of operations. A patch of grass or dirt that is level and free of toys and other obstacles is ideal.
Keep everyone at a safe distance, at least 10 feet away from your base of operations. This is no place for kids or any holiday drinking. Until your bird is done and delivered to the table, no alcohol allowed. Period.
Your base of operations should include a chair (because you are not going to leave this site until your turkey is done and the fire is out), a table containing your heat-resistant gloves, a timer, a stick-type lighter, a meat thermometer, a beverage (remember, nonalcoholic), and your trusty fire extinguisher.