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Brownies: Reloaded… Again

January 7, 2021

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Cocoa Brownies: Reloaded on a TV dinner tray with a glass of milk.

I like brownies, and judging from the emails we’ve been getting over at, so do the rest of you. That said, some of you have recently taken issue with our recipe, and I think it’s probably because there was a discrepancy regarding the volumetric measurement vs. the weight of the cocoa powder on the version we provided to the Food Network website. In other words… oops.

So, just to confirm, we made up a few more batches this week and I’m happy to confirm, my favorite brownie contains 160 grams of natural (not Dutch process) cocoa powder. In our kitchen, this translates to 2 cups, rather than the 1 1/4 cups called for in the original version. That said, we strongly advocate the use of a scale in this endeavor as cocoa powder is compressible, just like flour.

Also, I like the top of my brownies to stay kinda hard and flaky and to maintain that I don’t like to store them in zip-top bags, which tend to make them mushy. I prefer to loosely wrap the cooled and cut brownies in wax paper and stash them in a tin with a few holes poked in the top.

The correct beverage is of course cold milk, though ice coffee is a close second.

As for nuts, well…that’s a discussion for another time.
